Released on February 15th 2023
The update introduces awaited features like the Widget Stack and improved gesture support together with a major update of some core components that improved performance and stability.
New features
Introduced the new Widget Stack
You can now select custom colors for your Note Widgets
You can hide days without scheduled events in the Calendar Widget, and you can extend the visualized days to 14 or 21 days.
Multiday events are now correctly displayed in the Calendar Widget
Added 3 new home screen animations, Blur, Fade, and Pixel.
Added "Midnight lights" a new collection of SL-exclusive wallpapers
The App page code has been modernized to take advantage of the most recent technologies. This required an insane amount of time but we got in return better performances, several bugs fixed, and a code easier to upgrade.
Fixed unnecessary Calendar widget UI reloading
If you delete the Utility category it won't be automatically recreated as it used in the past.
Improved how the Music Widget refreshes the current track info.
Responsive widgets (also 3rd party) can now better use the available space.
When a new shortcut/folder is added to the App page, the grid scroll to display the newly added item
The back gesture is now always available in the search panel
Now you can return to a setting screen after leaving it by using the recent app screen
Bugs fixed
Fixed the double-tap on icons in a folder.
Shortcuts added to the home/drawer now show the correct icon.
The apps on the App page are now correctly launchable while using Talkback (accessibility)
Fixed Music Widget layout on RTL languages
The "Problem detected" screen now only appears if SL crash. Previously it could be launched because of issues caused by the system or unusual user behaviors.
Last updated